Re: [Ekiga-list] Installation with Win 8.1

On 29/09/14 09:03, Max Weinberg wrote:
Hello everybody, I am new here and perhaps my question has already be answered,
but if so, I did not find the answer. The problem is this:
I installed ekiga on a laptop using windows 8.1 32bit and entered my ekiga
address properly. I then tested the device using a friend who is running ekiga
on with ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I use a current firefox browser. Two problems occur
which result in ekiga being inoperable:
1. When I am placing a call, the call will get through to its destination. But
when the callee accepts the call, no connection is made and on my end the
ringing tone continues. There is no way to stop the call, no button reacts, so I
have to stop it by using the Task Manager.
2. I cannot accept calls. When a call comes in, no window pops up which lets me
accept the call (there is one, I know that from my friend).

Sorry to answer so late, perhaps it is already too late...

What version of ekiga do you use?

Problem 1. seems due to firewall problems. We need the -d 4 log from both parties.

Problem 2. Is this on windows or linux? On windows it should work, it is very strange it does not. On linux there could be some problems with notification.

Why do you write that you use firefox?  It has nothing to do with ekiga!


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