Hello Damien,
If you check the link you specified (http://www.in2eps.com/fo-sip/tk-fo-sip-dialog.html) you can see: -U1 (180 Ringing): -The remote target is set to the URI from the Contact header field of the response -U1 (ACK): -The route set is not empty, and the first URI in the route set contains the lr (loose routing) parameter: the UAC places the remote target URI into the Request-URI and includes a Route header field containing the route set values in order The R-Uri of the prack message (from Ekiga1) has to contains the Ekiga2 IP, because if the R-Uri of the prack coming from Ekiga1 doesn't contains the Ekiga2 IP, the Kamailio doesn't "know" where to send the message. Thanks for your time and regards, Ruben Gracia On 07/05/14 09:59, Damien Sandras wrote: