Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Best Wishes for 2014

On Wed, 1 Jan 2014, Matthias Apitz wrote:

Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2014 23:44:32
From: Matthias Apitz <guru unixarea de>
To: Ekiga development mailing list <ekiga-devel-list gnome org>
Cc: Ekiga mailing list <ekiga-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list]  Best Wishes for 2014

El día Wednesday, January 01, 2014 a las 04:25:32PM +0100, Yannick escribió:

You can expect a 5.0 release before spring. That will be the first

Good news ! I've Gnome 3.10 running ; I'll test on it.


I do not know exactly, what is planned as basis for Ekiga 5.0.
But, if it will depend on Gnome 3.x features or layers, this would
knock-out completely FreeBSD, due to the fact that Gnome 3 is not
portable (IMHO a bad design) to FreeBSD.



It is my understanding that PC-BSD 10, which is, I understand, based on FreeBSD 10, includes GNOME 3, in line with FreeBSD 10; both of which are apparently now at release candidate 3 stage.

I am waiting for PC-BSD 10, as I believe that it will be UEFI/GPT compatible, and so be able to run on computers that have the dreaded MS Windows 8 installed.

Regarding GNOME 3, due to perceived problems with that, relative to GNOME 2, which I have been running for a number of years (I am currently running Debian 6 with GNOME 2), I had been advised to abandon using GNOME and instead, install and use XFCE, which is supposed to be like GNOME 2.

How much this overcomes perceived problems, I do not know, but I expect that, should Ekiga be compatible with XFCE, it should be able to run with the later (than what I am using) versions of Debian, and, with PC-BSD 10 and FreeBSD 10, providing each of them runs XFCE, apart from being expected to be able to run with the GNOME 3 that can run within (or, on top of) PC-BSD 10 and FreeBSD 10.

Whether Ekiga could run with PC-BSD 10, is perhaps, something for the Ekiga developers to discuss with Kris Moore of the PC-BSD development team.

I, like Greg Hunt, as previously mentioned on this list, some time ago, had been unable to get Ekiga working on our systems, due to the version of Ekiga that was available as an installable package for the versions of Linux that we had been using, and, I have had to instead use Skype, as the only available, working videophone software that would work with Debian 6, as a package for Debian 6.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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 you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
  Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
  "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
  A Trilogy In Four Parts",
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