Le 02/10/13 11:56, Mikael Abrahamsson a
écrit :
On Wed, 2 Oct 2013, Damien Sandras wrote:
If user B has two local interfaces (eth0:
192.x and tun: 10.x), when EkigaB will send a SIP message to
userA, it will send it twice (because it can not determine how
routing will work, that's the kernel responsibility) :
- one SIP message to userA through tun0 with tun0 source IP
address to userA IP and port
- one SIP message to userA through eth0 with eth0 source IP
address to user IP and port
One of them should work.
Your mail suggests that both messages are sent using the same
interface but with different source IP and ports. That's weird.
How does Ekiga assure that the packet is actually sent out eth0
with eth0 source IP? By default routing and source address
selection are completely decoupled and if default route is to
tun0, then all packets regardless of source address will go out
tun0. One has to put policy routing in place to avoid this and
assure that eth0 IP packets actually go out eth0 (and then you
have to have the concept of multiple default routes that might
change over time that needs to influence the policy routing
You are right... If Ekiga is listening on IP-A and IP-B, then it
will send one SIP packet per IP. Exact routing conditions, including
interface selection, are determined by the routing configuration.