Re: [Ekiga-list] Installing Ekiga-3.9.90 Icons Missing For DialPad and Contacts

On 26/08/12 02:51, David Woodfall wrote:
On (21:47 25/08/12), Eugen Dedu <Eugen Dedu pu-pm univ-fcomte fr> put
forth the proposition:
On 25/08/12 21:37, David Woodfall wrote:
Hi, I've just installed ekiga 3.9.90 and notice that these two icons
are missing from the icon bar.

The make line I am using:

make pixmaps install

On Windows or on Linux? Which Linux?

Slackware Linux.

It seems that icons are really down to the gtk icon theme? I have been
using LaGaDesk-BlackWhite-II, so it looks like I need a theme with a
fuller set of icons?

Yes. I use gnome-icon-theme package, what is the name of this package in your distribution? I is mandatory in this version, since it provides some icons. I have to add it as dependency, but I do not know exactly yet how.


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