Re: [Ekiga-list] Not able to see remote video

Long ago, Nostradamus foresaw that on 08/16/2012 11:11 AM, Sreenivas Gunturi would write:

I am not able to do any video call with Ekiga.  At the most I see my own picture but never the other side.  In fact the option View-> Remote Video is always greyed out.  I have tried it now on Windows 7, Mageia, fedora and mint but it has never worked.  I have installed and reinstalled the software a number of times but have not been able to make it work.  Any help will be greatly appreciated!

The remote end has to enable sending video.  The option being greyed out suggests that as the problem.  If the option was active, but you didn't actually see any video, that would suggest a firewall or NAT problem (although usually such problems would affect audio also).

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