Re: [Ekiga-list] Configure Rynga on Ekiga 3.2.7

On 25/11/11 11:50, Maria Lawrence wrote:

I am a recent convert to linux and use Linux mint 11 - 32 bit on a PC.
For my voip requirement I have been using Rynga and am eager to port the service on my PC via Ekiga.

Having entered the following values I still am not able to connect to my SIP service Provider Rynga

Name: Maria Lawrence
Authentication user: myusername_of_rynga
Password: mypassword_of_rynga
Timeout: 3600

Somehow Ekiga does not connect at all.
Ofcourse I have tried changing User to: myusername_of_rynga&  myusername_of_rynga sip rynga com etc., but nothing seems to work!
Any brainwaves? (Am unable to find anyother settings which I can change. I am able to use the PC/Mobile version of Rynga SIP clients without a problem) and they have worked despite being behind a firewall so far.

Could you please use myusername_of_rynga as User, restart ekiga, and give us the -d 4 output (


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