Re: [Ekiga-list] How to get ATA phone to ring?

Router has ports 5060-5061 udp, 53-53 and 69-69 udp and 10000-20000 udp and all forwarded to ATA IP. ATA is set to a static IP . I've downloaded every paper I can find on the subject. I hired a so-called specialist in 'SIP' phones to come and help. We even tried making the IP as the DMZ on router. Phone still does not receive calls.

Do Diamondcard personal #'s require a computer running Ekiga on network in order for ATA phone to function properly? People on our CableTV system are using Skype and Vonage with no special equipment or effort on the cable systems part to make their phones work.

Eugen Dedu wrote:
On 23/05/11 23:05, jvankort wrote:
I bought a diamondcard personal number.
I bought a Linksys PAP2 ATA.
I bought a phone to connect to the ATA.
Incoming calls loop around the planet and ring the phone at my house instead
of where the ATA phone is located.

Result is, I can call out but no-one can call me. How can I make this work?

I would say that this is a parameter of Internet provider, have you looked at your router configuration?

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