Re: [Ekiga-list] Level of H323 support in Ekiga / hardware video conferencing systems

On 09/05/11 13:10, Dave Koelmeyer wrote:

How mature is the H323 support in Ekiga? I have access to a range of
professional hardware H323 video conferencing systems (Polycom, Sony)
which I may be able to perform limited testing on to gauge compatibility
with Ekiga, but only if there is interest or support in gathering data
for implementing any fixes needed.

The more I read about Skype/GoogleTalk/Facebook etc., the more I think
the ability for a desktop client like Ekiga to connect to expensive
hardware systems is a very attractive feature.

I'm also keen to expand the Wiki hardware compatibility with some
hardware systems too.

Hi Dave,

To my knowledge, H323 support is ok, but, looking at the bug tracker (, there are some bugs which affect probably many people and prevent ekiga to be useful for them.

Ptlib/opal developers say that H323 support is as good as SIP's.

I do not use H323, I do not know it, I cannot test it (at least easily). Therefore, I can commit fixes only if a patch is given to me.


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