This means generally that the user is offline. In 3.3.1 there is an explicit message indicating that. Try with 3.3.1.On 24/07/11 13:37, Antonio Trande wrote:
Sorry !
Problem wrong. It's Ekiga 3.2.6.
2011/7/24 Antonio Trande<anto trande gmail com>
I've installed Ekiga 3.3.1 on my Fedora 14 32bit. I had problems to send
message to another account ekiga online before last beta realase.
Now, the same problem doesn't exist but when use chat with online people,
on chat box appears ("Impossibile inviare il messaggio" in italian)
"impossible to send message".
Another bug ?
A user can appear online and still be offline, because ekiga when closed does not send an explicit message about that, hence he remains online for 10-15 minutes, until the time expires.
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