Re: [Ekiga-list] Compiling opal-3.10.1

On 19/07/11 11:14, geo cherchetout wrote:
Le 19/07/2011 10:32, *Eugen Dedu* a écrit fort à propos :

Sorry, the path I had to specify is /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig while most of
the .pc files are in /usr/lib/pkgconfig.

I see that opal plays with PKG_CONFIG_PATH, that could be the problem...
   Could you tell where ptlib.pc was put,


and give us the configure.log
file for both cases (./configure and PKG... ./configure).

The last one is readable here but I only compiled opal-3.8.3

The one with only ./configure is here :
(same opal-3.8.3)

There were many changes in configure in opal 3.10.1, could you test with that version? Just run ./configure and PKG_... ./configure while ptlib 2.10.1 is installed.


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