Re: [Ekiga-list] zrtp encryption?

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 01:59:16PM +0200, Eugen Dedu wrote:
> On 30/09/10 04:43, Rob Owens wrote:
>> What's the status of zrtp encryption in Ekiga?  I thought I remembered
>> reading somewhere that it was planned for somewhere in the 3.x release,
>> but everything I can find about it now says "not yet".
>> I just tested Twinkle with zrtp and it works nice and easy (I didn't
>> sniff any packets to make sure it's working right, but the GUI tells me
>> it is).  But Twinkle doesn't support video...
>> I'd love to use Ekiga for encrypted video conversations.  Any chance
>> it'll happen?
> According to,  
> zrtp will be complete when the current development becomes stable.  I  
> would say this appears in 3-12 months (if you want more precision,  
> contact its author).
> Ekiga will hopefully release a version with it 0-3 months later, but  
> this interval can be greater.
Thanks for the info.  Twinkle uses libzrtpcpp for its zrtp support.  I
guess Ekiga can't use that due to architecture reasons?


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