Re: [Ekiga-list] Egika does not work

Hello Eugen, Ekiga. 

It seems to work better now, but I do not have any soundcard! It does not seem to find it. When I call sip:500 ekiga net, I cannot hear anything, but when I close Ekiga, I get a "busy" tone. 

This is the message Ekiga sent me

Could not open audio channel for audio reception

An error occurred while trying to play up to the sound card for audio reception. Make sure your soundcard is not busy and that your driver supports full-duplex.
Sound reception is disabled.

Henrik Sandler wrote:
> Hello. For 3 weeks ago, I set up an account in Ekiga. I must have done something wrong. When I try to start it, it says,"connection failed". What can I do? I am using Hardy Ubuntu 8,04, Egika 2,0,12. I have 2 accounts, SIP ServicePC-To-PhoneSince I am Swedish, the text pop-ups are in Swedish, and in brackets are what I think is the English equivalents.
> For the SIP Service it says the followingKontonamn (Account name) SIP ServiceRegistrator (Registrator) "blank"Användare (User) Henrik.sandlerLösenord (Password) ---------

You must put as registrar.

> For the PC-To-Phone it says the following
> Kontonamn (Account name) PC- To-PhoneRegistrator (Registrator) eugw.ast.diamondcard.usAnvändare (User) HensandlerLösenord (Password) ---------
> Where is the problem?

Look in Account window, wait 20 seconds and tell how for what is the
Status of each account (Registered or other thing?)


Both boxes marked "L" are ticked. 

For SIP -service it says "Registrated"

For PC- to - Phone it says "Registrated failed"

Best wishes


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