Hello. I installed Egika last week and something is wrong. When I open it says; Standby. Registrated accounts 0 (well it writes in Swedish Viloläge Registrerade konton 0) Maybe I did something wrong in the registration. When I look at my Edit-Accounts it says ekiga.net SIP Service Ekiga PC-To-Phone Both boxes are ticked. When I "edit" the account information for "ekiga.net SIP Service it says Kontonamn ekiga.net SIP Service Registrator ekiga.net Användare sip:Henrik sandler ekiga net Lösenord ********** Inloggningsnamn för autensiering sip:Henrik sandler ekiga net Tidsgräns för registrering 3600 When I press OK to close the window, it says.
"Information saknas (rough translation. Missing information. Make sure that you have entered a valid account name, hostname and username) Where have I done wrong? I am using Ubuntu 8.04 and ekiga 2.0.12 I have also paid 10$ to Diamond, to make cheaper phone calls to abroad. Help is much needed. Henrik Sandler Lund Sweden |