Re: [Ekiga-list] Call-in from regular phones to Ekiga conferencing

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 06:03:21PM +0200, Lars Nooden wrote:
> I see that Ekiga can call out to regular phone numbers:
> Can Ekiga be set to allow call-ins from regular phones to an SIP
> conference call?
> Specifically, can a number be published for people to call to a local
> dial-in number and join an SIP conference call?
> If so, how can it be done, how many callers can be accommodated, what
> are the rates, and any other important details.
You'll need a DID (direct inbound dial, if I remember my acronym
correctly). offers these, and they offer a conference
call service.  I'm not sure of the details of the conference call
service, so it might not be what you're looking for.


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