On (22:14 21/12/10), Shawn Adams <shawn_adams web de> put forth the proposition:
David I'm no expert, unsure if this helps, but I have the following: (I've never had time to fully understand if both sip.conf and users.conf entries are necessary) sip.conf --------------- [6001] type=friend username=6001 secret=XXXX nat=no host=dynamic context=default users.conf
I've not seen any docs relating to a users.conf but I will have a look into it. Probably best for me to backup my .confs and start with a clean config. Thanks for your reply. Dave
-------------------- [6001] username = 6001 transfer = yes mailbox = 6001 call-limit = 100 fullname = 6001 registersip = yes callgroup = 1 context = default cid_number = 6001 hasvoicemail = yes vmsecret = XXXX email = threewaycalling = yes hasdirectory = yes callwaiting = no hasmanager = no hasagent = no hassip = yes hasiax = no secret = 6001 nat = no canreinvite = no dtmfmode = rfc2833 insecure = no pickupgroup = 1 autoprov = no label = macaddress = linenumber = 1 disallow = all allow = ulaw,gsm ;host=dynamic extensions.conf ============================================== exten => 6001,1,Dial(SIP/6001,20) exten => 6001,2,Voicemail(6001) exten => 6001,102,Voicemail(6001) exten => 6001,103,Hangup Does ekiga register correctly ? appears so, as you state echo test works from the ekiga client. that says the extensions.conf may be the issue when routing an inbound call to dave. I seem to recall that ekiga needs the correct USER as well as ACCOUNT NAME and password. attach to asterisk server with: asterisk -rvvv and watch the debug as ekiga registers and calls, or is called. On 12/20/2010 04:32 PM, David Woodfall wrote:Hi, I have been following the docs for setting up ekiga with asterisk and can't seem to get it to work. I have asterisk running already and it works fine with linphone, but for some reason if I try to dial with ekiga I always get Remote user is busy. sip.conf: [dave] type=friend secret=xxx qualify=yes nat=no host=dynamic canreinvite=no context=phones defaultuser=dave I've tried changing these settings but nothing seems to work. The echo test does work though. extension.conf: exten => dave,1,Verbose(1,Extension dave) exten => dave,n,Dial(SIP/dave,15) exten => dave,n,Playback(vm-nobodyavail) exten => dave,n,Voicemail(dave dave) exten => dave,n,Playback(vm-goodbye) exten => dave,n,Hangup() Any ideas? _______________________________________________ ekiga-list mailing list ekiga-list gnome org http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/ekiga-list-- Shawn Adams _______________________________________________ ekiga-list mailing list ekiga-list gnome org http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/ekiga-list
-- Don't look back, the lemmings are gaining on you.
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