Re: [Ekiga-list] Is ekiga 3.2.7 supposed to work on Windows 7 64 Bit?

On 13 Dec, 2010,at 05:13 AM, Gerhard Stengel <gstengel gmx net> wrote:


I recently tried to install ekiga on a Windows 7 machine with 64 Bit, but video didn't work. Is ekiga supposed to run on
64 bit or just 32 bit?
Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit running on a Dell Latitude e4310. Ekiga 3.2.7. With either the laptop's built-in webcam, or, a Logitech C600 external webcam (known to work fine on OpenIndiana for example) I get this:

This is seemingly limited only to the application failing to create a local preview? Interestingly, at the remote end one can actually see video being streamed from the Windows machine (plus, the LED is illuminated on the attached webcams). So in my case the webcam is actually working, but the Windows user is flying blind, as it were.

When you say "doesn't work", do you see this or something else?


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