Re: [Ekiga-list] Possible to use Ekiga in ad hoc/point-to-point mode?

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2010/8/17 Eugen Dedu <Eugen Dedu pu-pm univ-fcomte fr>
On 17/08/10 20:28, Ryan Dunn wrote:
I'm looking for a replacement for the p2p program Microsoft Portrait:

which worked as a point-to-point text/audio/video chat.  Is it
possible to setup Ekiga to perform similarily?  If not, I'm not sure
this would be the correct place to ask, but are there any alternatives
that would work?  It seems like most programs now require a server or
internet connection.

It should work in a LAN without a server.

I used it once on a local network without internet, by calling sip:anything IPadress but with "zeronconf" discovery it should ba even easier as the neighbours should show in the contact list.

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