Re: [Ekiga-list] Possible to use Ekiga in ad hoc/point-to-point mode?

> ------------ Původní zpráva ------------
> Od: Ryan Dunn <oryandunn ml gmail com>
> Předmět: [Ekiga-list] Possible to use Ekiga in ad hoc/point-to-point mode?
> Datum: 17.8.2010 20:29:28
> ----------------------------------------
> I'm looking for a replacement for the p2p program Microsoft Portrait:
> which worked as a point-to-point text/audio/video chat.  Is it
> possible to setup Ekiga to perform similarily?  If not, I'm not sure
> this would be the correct place to ask, but are there any alternatives
> that would work?  It seems like most programs now require a server or
> internet connection.
> Thanks,
> Ryan
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