Re: [Ekiga-list] remote video h323


Good point, might be a frame size issue,

Thanks for the debug tip. Also thanks for clarifying that ekiga 3 tests
automatically at startup.

Let's see what Dennis and the debug say.

Best regards,

Eugen Dedu wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks Shawn for the answer :o)
> I have two remarks:
> - I wonder if the problem encountered is not the "Sending PDU too large"
> problem.  You can check by sending us the -d 4 output, see
> or simply look inside for the work "large".
> - for information, ekiga 3 tests the network type not during initial
> setup/Assistant, but at the beginning of each run, so it's automatic.
> Cheers,
> Shawn Adams wrote:
>> Dennis
>> Apologies for the length of this, unsure how best to be clear about what
>> I'm trying to say. Please read through, the good parts are toward the end.
>> Dennis G. Brown wrote:
>>> Sip does not work at all for the user I'm working with and does not 
>>> work correctly from my computer either.  It works perfectly for me 
>>> with h323.
>> 1st thought is FW/NAT issues.
>> H.323 happens to work a) your router is set properly for H.323
>> b) your router has an H.323 ALG c) the conf. system is assisting getting
>> around NAT/FW
>>> We got a little further with her this morning.  She is able to 
>>> connect to the video conferencing system and enter the conference 
>>> number with the dialpad.  On my screen I see her name pop up but the 
>>> window is black.  I can hear her but she can't hear or see me.  So 
>>> here are the problems.
>>> - she can't hear me.  Her speakers are working, I can hear her e-mail 
>>> prompts
>> your sound packets bouncing off her router or PC firewall. ?
>> you hear her e-mail prompts, but not her voice ?
>> Sounds like the audio SW device is capturing something, but not the
>> microphone.
>>> - she can't see me.  When she pulls down the View menu the Remote 
>>> selection is grayed out
>> only a guess, the greyed out means no remote video is being received
>> (the ekiga experts can verify). if your PC is truly sending video -
>> probably also hitting her router or PC firewall and dropping.
>> (perhaps take a sniffer trace on your PC interface)
>>> - I can't see her.  On her end she sees herself in the video window 
>>> so her camera is on and is displaying video.  It just isn't being 
>>> sent.
>> Again, video is probably stopping at FW or NAT.
>> these days, almost no ISPs purposely block SIP (would not surprise me
>> for some that offer SIP try to block any other VOIP - some corporations
>> do this)
>>> We've verified the correct Audio and Video settings.  The only other 
>>> thing I can think of is firewall issues.  We told the Windows 
>>> firewall to allow Ekiga through.  I haven't looked at other firewalls 
>>> (Google, Yahoo, etc.).
>> What exactly did you allow through ? as a test, I'd disable the FW
>> completely just for a minute to confirm/deny. I believe telling windows
>> to allow the ekiga.exe should be enough.
>> Remember - SIP uses 5060, and other ports STUN 3478
>> SIP also uses basically "random" ports to transfer voice and video
>> thereafter. So all these ports must be open for everything to work.
>> For example - when I use ekiga to register at, and place a
>> video call to the echo test at 500 ekiga net, I see the voice incoming
>> at port 5072, but the video H61 at port 5074
>> So for SIP to work over what is presumably a NAT connection at each end,
>> the NAT router (your DSL/cable modem router) needs to be "SIP aware" or
>> have a SIP ALG that allows it to know what to do with these strange
>> packets. Otherwise - based on the FW rules - they are dropped.
>> You can statically configure FW to allow all possible ports used by SIP,
>> and then configure your DSL router with static NAT to always get these
>> to your PC (both you and your lady friend)
>> Ekiga 3.X, during initial setup (druid ?) tries to configure FW/NAT
>> traversal,STUN, etc... automatically.
>> If ekiga is using STUN, then everything should be simplified for each of
>> your local firewalls. ( in ekiga 3.2.5 you can see this in the
>> ekiga.conf file, located in your user's profile directory)
>> so onto your real question, how to troubleshoot/fix this ?
>> * I'd start by looking at the config of each DSL router - is there some
>> parameter called "SIP" or "SIP ALG" or "VOIP" ?  enable it.
>> - if not, configure NAT to statically forward at 3478 and 5060-5062 to
>> your PC.
>> * Remove the ekiga config, run the config druid, and let ekiga detect
>> the best method. use the account at 1st, later you can add
>> whatever one you want.
>> * register to, use the echo test 500 ekiga net to test
>> voice/video.
>> if this works from each side, you can be pretty sure that at least the
>> local ends are OK.
>> * if possible, take a sniffer trace, and see which destination ports are
>> used for the voice and the video.
>> * add whatever accounts you'd like to use and try the video conf. system.
>> Hope this is helpful.
>> Best regards,
>>> Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot are very much appreciated.  
>>> Remember this works fine for me.  We're dialing the same video 
>>> conferencing bridge and using the same software (Ekiga 3.2.6 Windows 
>>> version).
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Shawn Adams
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