Re: [Ekiga-list] problem with ekiga karmic and audio

On Wed, 11 Nov 2009 19:39:25 -0500
Dinesh <dinesh email it> wrote:

> I have installed ubuntu karmic 32-bit version.
> I configured ekiga as in my old 8.10 ubuntu but now, after the logon,
> when i try to make a test call i hear no audio form the  server and
> from my voice. The call has satus OK but nothig else happend. I have
> also installed skype (i have money in there) and it works completly.
> Anyone can help me please?

If you start it with pasuspender then it will probably work OK - it does
for me.  (Although I have other issues with ekiga with jaunty, namely
this one: , which seems to have
been around for a long time.)


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