Re: [Ekiga-list] BETA test for a new WebSite

Le mercredi 28 octobre 2009 à 15:26 -0700, Ed a écrit :
> I would
> rather see a listing of Ekiga's presence in various distros on the
> front page - rather than bottom of the roadmap page, also links to the
> debian/ubuntu/fedora etc repos. this would tell me that Ekiga was
> broadly available in my favorite ditros and it would also be nice if
> it lists the version in each repo. Even if it was just green light for
> current release, amber for stale release and red for not in repo.
> Snapshots are info for the developer community - which should have a
> separate "home" page - as part of Community maybe?

Distro support is quite hard to achieve. I probably could code something
to get automatically the version of Ekiga available in the main distros.
But for an accurate view of available version outside the main
repositories we will need a contributor for each distro. Please contact
us if you want to give us relevant informations about a distro (any
distro; I speak about "main" distro when I think doing the support
myself but "main" is not much important, it just mean "less work for

Actually 3 members of the team deals with packaging our latest version
for Debian, Ubuntu and windows. You probably do not use one of them; the
green button on the main page automatically detect if you use one of
them (you need javascript enabled in your browser) and present the
visitor a direct link to the relevant information for debian or ubuntu
or windows. For now it is hand written and I plan to have an
administrator interface in Drupal for this feature.

Snapshot is IMHO more important than you think. We need tests and
testers. The more snapshots are tested, the best a release will be. I do
not plan to move it deeper.

Best regards,

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