Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga website

On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 8:33 PM, Eugen Dedu <Eugen Dedu pu-pm univ-fcomte fr> wrote:
Which one should she click on? How much further do you think she is
going to get?

I agree with you.  The problem is that we are still in the middle of transition having started long ago. is more beautiful and only one person can change it (so secure), but nearly all the pages are obsolete, while has practically all the information (and is community-based).  Someone proposed to change mediawiki in drupal (in the wiki site) and integrate web site too.  That would finish the transition and all the problems.
Of course, you are free to comment on the wiki web site too :o)

I just wanted someone to download the latest ekigaWin32 and point him  to

But the only downlodable think on the website are the sources for each 3.2.X release . 

Ekiga is a great software but the website is really important as people won't look furtther to find it ..... 

there i only one admin access ? Why not share it so at least a current release for each platform is on the website ?

Or link the download to the wiki page .... 

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