Re: [Ekiga-list] Google Voice Ekiga Gizmo5

Bny Jo a écrit :
> I have setup an GV account to work with Gizmo5 and then forwarding all calls to Ekiga. I able to send and recieve calls but the call drops after 15 seconds every time. I forwarded the port on my wireless router. Still having trouble. My debug log attached.

I saw some errors when trying to open audio device, but it seems the
call works (you can speak and hear for 15s). Thus it seems irrelevent here.

IMHO the weird part is here:

line 3734

2009/07/13 21:59:12.387	  4:37.724	 Media Patch:0x542d0950	RTP	Session
1, transmit statistics:  packets=801 octets=128160 avgTime=20 maxTime=73
2009/07/13 21:59:12.744	  4:38.081	  RTP Jitter:0x5428f950	RTP	Session
1, receive statistics: packets=801 octets=128160 lost=0 tooLate=0
order=0 avgTime=20 maxTime=26 minTime=15 jitter=29554 maxJitter=33554431
2009/07/13 21:59:13.187	  4:38.524	 Housekeeper:0x65a01950	SIP	Starting
PUBLISH for offline retry
2009/07/13 21:59:13.187	  4:38.524	 Housekeeper:0x65a01950	SIP	Changing
PUBLISH handler from Unavailable to Restoring,
target=sip:icehanger proxy01 sipphone com,
id=627530ba-8f6e-de11-951c-00238b64ae25 secureus

I did not find any regular SIP message for ending the call, nor any
statistics about the call one usually find in the log.

Is this a bug in the publish system which hang up the call?

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