[Ekiga-list] A problem with ekiga.net?


Problem 1: Since a few days I can't access www.ekiga.net. The Page Load 
Error of Firefox (3.0.16) is:

  Secure Connection Failed
  www.ekiga.net uses an invalid security certificate.
  The certificate expired on 16/12/2009 22:08

Problem 2: The ekiga-application wont make a connection to 
sip:500 ekiga net anymore. 
'General History' and netstat output:

  20:33:25 Started Ekiga 2.0.12 for user fredd
  20:33:32 Set STUN server to stun.ekiga.net (Restricted NAT)
  20:33:33 Registered to ekiga.net
     see *
     and after a while, see **
  20:43:08 Calling sip:500 ekiga net
  20:43:11 Remote user rejected the call

  fredd jupiter:~$ netstat -tu
  Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
  Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address       Foreign Address     State      
  tcp        0      0 jupiter.dcn:39248   ekiga.net:www       TIME_WAIT  
  tcp        0      0 jupiter.dcn:39249   ekiga.net:www       TIME_WAIT  

  fredd jupiter:~$ netstat -tu
  Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
  Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address     State     

Are the two problems related to each other and do I have to look for a 
problem on my side or is it with ekiga.net?

BTW, I use Ubuntu 8.04 LTS with the latest updates (21-12-09).


Cape Town RSA

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