Re: [Ekiga-list] My first compilation of ekiga: some crucial questions.

Luis Maceira a écrit :
> 1) How can I have H.264 video codec support? Is it in the ekiga sources
>    or based on an external library,like x264(present in many Linux dists).
>    I did not see any option to ./configure to support H.264.

You'll need ffmpeg and x264.
Opal library will build plugins for them if dev packages are present.

> 2) Opal-3.6.4 supports SRTP/ZRTP,is it enough to compile ekiga-3.2.5 with
>    Opal-3.6.4(ZRTP enabled) to get support to ZRTP in Ekiga?

ZRTP is not ready yet. Ekiga do not support it currently.

Best regards,

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