[Ekiga-list] Installation Error Of Ekiga 3 Beta 1

Hello users,

I'm working with Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 and I've downloaded the last Ekiga 3
Beta 1.
Compiling Ptlib,then Opal and then Ekiga 3 I haven't errors.
But when I launch, from shell, under /usr/local/bin, ./ekiga I Obtain the
following error:

ema ubuntu:/usr/local/bin$ ./ekiga
./ekiga: error while loading shared libraries:
libopal_linux_x86_r.so.3.3-beta1: cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory

I've checked after that under Opal Installation that file is present, in
fact when I've launched Make Install I've obtained this report:

usr/bin/install -c -m 755 lib/libopal_linux_x86_r.so.3.3-beta1 /usr/local//lib
/usr/bin/install -c -m 444 opal.pc /usr/local//lib/pkgconfig
ln -snf libopal_linux_x86_r.so.3.3-beta1 \

Anyone knows how is possible to fix this error?

Thanks For All


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