Eugen Dedu wrote:
martin wrote:Hi,Trying to install h263-codec into Ekiga 3.0.1, but have the slight feeling the instructions on / Additional Information are slightly out of date since 3.0.1.I'm using Debian Lenny, Gnome, Opal 3.4.2, Ptlib 2.4.2. Any hints? (Where can I get the opal-plugins for h263?)Hi,First, you can install the unofficial .deb packages ( (-snapshots will be available tomorrow, but stable are already there).Second, to have 263 compiled by opal, the simplest method is to install libavcodec-dev from www, before building opal.
Hi,Thanks for the fast answer. However, I have some trouble in understanding the term "unofficial .deb packages" ;-)
I downloaded and installed the packages I could find from . However, the file libopal3.4.1-plugins-non-free, mentioned on the main-page, isn't in this directory (and there are no links from the main page). All other packages are there.
I am cautious about libavcodec-dev. These packages have a date of 20080414, my installed packages are from 20080706 - have the fear of breaking something.
Cheers, Martin