Dear Damien Sandras, Has anyone ever thought of creating a web video phone that linux could copyright and users would gratefully invest in yahoo dominated the web with their w/video.........No one using windows love linux except thauy cannot live without said once by someone a picture says a thousand words and cuts the superficiality out.........I would grate fully donate to the cause j_reab1 yahoo com (As you can probally tell I have never had ekiga to work)
--- On Wed, 10/8/08, Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com> wrote:
From: Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com> Subject: Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga To: "Ekiga mailing list" <ekiga-list gnome org> Date:
Wednesday, October 8, 2008, 6:53 AM
Le mercredi 08 octobre 2008 à 13:39 +0200, gegetel a écrit :
> Le 08.10.2008 12:23, *michel memeteau* a écrit fort à propos :
> > Notice I really do not understand how it can display your normal
> > number when using VoIP for remote calling.
> In my diamondcard profile, there is a "Day Phone:" field. I have
put my PSTN
> number and not any other in this field and this string is displayed on the
> screen of the phone of the persons that i call in France. (Using Ekiga, or
> Twinkle or, i suppose, any other sip softphone.)
Probably they route the call from the US. In the US, you can spoof phone
_ Damien Sandras
//\ Ekiga Softphone :
v_/_ Be IP :
SIP Phone : sip:dsandras ekiga net
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