Re: [Ekiga-list] \"remote user cleared the call\" problem

> It looks like a bug on Kamailio (the SIP Router). Because called
> receives a CANCEL message, but caller does NOT send a CANCEL message.

Indeed - I did not notice this.
It is true that the problem emerged around the time
when Kamailio started to be used.

> I\'m not sure how to fix that :-/

The question is why does it happen on one machine
but not on some others? I am not aware of anything
specific about this machine, it runs the same system,
and Ekiga compiled in the same way as on a system
that does not suffer by this. So my best guess is
that it could be network/router specific. I will
try to play a bit with the network settings 
(especially NAT) and see.

> Is that 100% reproducable ?

So far I had 100% \"success\" rate (maybe 20 attempts
in several days)...


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