Re: [Ekiga-list] getting Ekiga via svn checkout

El día Tuesday, March 25, 2008 a las 12:43:39PM +0100, Fabrice ALPHONSO escribió:

> If you want Ekiga SVN, you MUST have pwlib (now ptlib btw) and oapl from
> the 
> svn checkout as said on the wiki page i gave you the link before.
> Just follow the wiki page to compile everything from svn (adapting it to
> FreeBSD).

I obey and will not fake it anymore :-)

I've fetched already this morning PTLib from SVN and configured this

$ ./configure --enable-plugins

after this most of the stuff compiles fine, until it detects dependencies
from own header files in /usr/local/include/... which at this moment not
have been installed:

g++ -D_REENTRANT -fno-exceptions -I/usr/local/include/ -Wall  -DNDEBUG -I/usr/home/guru/Ekiga/ptlib/include -Os   -I/usr/local/include/ -c switch.cxx -o /usr/home/guru/Ekiga/ptlib/lib/obj_FreeBSD_x86_r/switch.o
gmake[2]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/local/include/ptlib.h', needed by `/usr/home/guru/Ekiga/ptlib/lib/obj_FreeBSD_x86_r/assert.o'.  Stop.
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/home/guru/Ekiga/ptlib/src/ptlib/unix'
gmake[1]: *** [opt] Error 2
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/home/guru/Ekiga/ptlib'
gmake: *** [optshared] Error 2

these are the objects which have been compiled fine before:

$ ls /usr/home/guru/Ekiga/ptlib/lib/obj_FreeBSD_x86_r
*.dep           enum.o          jidctflt.o      pnat.o          pwavfile.o      tinyjpeg.o      videoio.o
asner.o   memfile.o       pssl.o          qchannel.o      tlib.o
config.o        guid.o          notifier_ext.o  pstun.o         random.o        udll.o
cypher.o        http.o          osutil.o        ptts.o          sockagg.o       uicmp.o
channel.o       httpclnt.o      pasn.o          pvfiledev.o     socket.o        url.o
delaychan.o     inetprot.o      pdns.o          pvidchan.o      sound.o         vconvert.o
dtmf.o          ipacl.o         pipechan.o      pvidfile.o      switch.o        vfakeio.o

a 'gmake -d' says:

        Considering target file `/usr/home/guru/Ekiga/ptlib/lib/obj_FreeBSD_x86_r/assert.o'.
         File `/usr/home/guru/Ekiga/ptlib/lib/obj_FreeBSD_x86_r/assert.o' does not exist.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `/usr/home/guru/Ekiga/ptlib/lib/obj_FreeBSD_x86_r/assert.o'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `assert'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `assert.cxx'.
         Found an implicit rule for `/usr/home/guru/Ekiga/ptlib/lib/obj_FreeBSD_x86_r/assert.o'.
          Pruning file `assert.cxx'.
          Pruning file `assert.cxx'.
          Considering target file `/usr/local/include/ptlib.h'.
           File `/usr/local/include/ptlib.h' does not exist.
           Looking for an implicit rule for `/usr/local/include/ptlib.h'.
           Trying pattern rule with stem `ptlib.h'.
           Trying implicit prerequisite `/usr/local/include/ptlib.h,v'.
           Trying pattern rule with stem `ptlib.h'.
           Trying implicit prerequisite `/usr/local/include/RCS/ptlib.h,v'.
           Trying pattern rule with stem `ptlib.h'.
           Trying implicit prerequisite `/usr/local/include/RCS/ptlib.h'.
           Trying pattern rule with stem `ptlib.h'.
           Trying implicit prerequisite `/usr/local/include/s.ptlib.h'.
           Trying pattern rule with stem `ptlib.h'.
           Trying implicit prerequisite `/usr/local/include/SCCS/s.ptlib.h'.
           No implicit rule found for `/usr/local/include/ptlib.h'.
           Finished prerequisites of target file `/usr/local/include/ptlib.h'.
          Must remake target `/usr/local/include/ptlib.h'.

looks like something is missing in the Makefiles; I have copied over the
header files to /usr/local/include/... and then the rest compiles fine;

any comments?

Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC GmbH
Gruenwalder Weg 28g - 82041 Oberhaching - Germany
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <matthias apitz oclc org> - w
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