Re: [Ekiga-list] Tests with Ekiga Snapshot 2008-06-09

Le vendredi 13 juin 2008 à 01:18 +0200, Conrad Beckert a écrit :
> Hi,
> tonight I did a couple of tests with my new ekiga installation. I put up two machines running the latest snapshots on Ubuntu Hardy and called each other directly (without my Asterisk)
> The goal is of course videoconference. So I tested how the new video codecs would perform.
> My settings: Bandwith between 192kbit/s and 1024 kbit/s (influence on image quality but not the issues  mentioned below)
> H261 - (Ekiga Ekiga) - works fine - as expected. Image quality as I know it from the old times :-)
> H263 - (Ekiga Ekiga) - connection established - but no video transmission. Each side sees its own video only - see attached -d 4 log
> H263  - (Ekiga - Linphone) - works fine - but Linphone shows somehow poor image quality - blocks and pixels.
> H263 - (Ekiga - Xtenphone - Windows) - works fine (this one I did over my Asterisk as I recieved a video call :-)  during my tests)
> Theora (Ekiga-Ekiga) Just works fine, good image quality 
> Theora (Ekiga-Linphone) Just works fine (nice images on Linphone - unlike H263)
> H264 (Ekiga-Ekiga) - Ekiga crashes. See attached -d 4 trace
> H264 (Ekiga-Linphone) works for a couple of seconds, then Ekiga crashes. see attached -d 4 trace
> I's probably worth mentioning that the Hardy Snapshot of Ekiga doesn't find its Ubuntu installs a file called I had to symlink. Ekiga complains in the -d 4 log, starts anyway but crashes when I try mpeg4.
> The strange thing is that I cannot determine the image size by setting in video devices. (probably it is adjusting the cam and not the transmission)
> Anyway. I hope my tests are of some use - and if not please give me a hint what I should test or trace.
> Greetings
> Conrad
> PS. Traces obviously are to big for the forum - I send them with private mail to whoever needs/wants them

I am cc'ing Matthias, our codecs expert.

But he is on holidays until the end of June.
 _     Damien Sandras
//\    Ekiga Softphone :
v_/_   NOVACOM         :
       FOSDEM          :
       SIP Phone       : sip:dsandras ekiga net

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