Re: [Ekiga-list] configuration

Thanks very much for your suggestion but minicom and similar text based devices have now been supplanted with sms, and IM both of which are poor substitutes for face to face talking.

The irritating thing is that we have used skype video calling for this purpose for 3 or 4 years (with varying degrees of success) but the trend for ever increasing camera resolution is outstripping bandwidth resulting very good quality pictures but at a transmission rate inadequate for lip-reading purposes. Perhaps I should clarify that by bandwidth, I mean upload bandwidth, whereas download bandwidth has steadily increased over the last few years, (currently because its copper wires into the house its 8Meg), upload bandwidth has remained at 250k thus end to end video is at 250K! UK ISPs appear to have no interest in increasing this number!

What I'm trying to achieve is to force all/most of that available bandwidth into video stream and Ekiga would at least seem to offer that prospect.

It also seems to me that such a configuration, if it could be achieved, would soon have a dedicated fan base amongst the hearing impaired and potentially could attract (although I'm sure you're wary of "sponsors") some funding from the EU or Deaf charities.

Thanks again John H

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