Re: [Ekiga-list] microphone not working

Hi Damien,

On Feb 13, 2008 4:20 AM, Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com> wrote:
> Le mardi 12 février 2008 à 22:47 -0700, David Mohr a écrit :
> > Hi everyone,
> > I'm having trouble getting ekiga to work. It used to work just fine
> > for me when I used it a couple of months ago. But then my soundcard
> > burnt out and I had to resort to using my crappy onboard soundcard,
> > and now I can't get ekiga to send any sound anymore.
> >
> > Since I am using an ac97 codec sound card, I don't have hardware
> > mixing, and need to use an .asoundrc to get software mixing. Yet once
> > I had trouble with ekiga I removed the .asoundrc, and still it did not
> > send any audio. So  I'm trying to get anything working at all before I
> > attempt to mess with my asoundrc.
> >
> > I'm behind a NAT firewall, but stun is enabled. I did my tests with
> > 500 ekiga net . Without the asoundrc, the druid can record and
> > playback just fine. When I make the call, it says it connects fine,
> > but then in the status line I see A: 0.00 / 0.00, so no audio is being
> > sent or received. My guess receiving nothing is Ok, because there is
> > nothing being sent to echo. Also the hangup sound is played just fine.
> >
> > Can anyone help me shed some light into this? It's pretty important to
> > me to get this to work, but I'm lost at the moment :-(.
> >
> > Attached is a -d 4.
> >
> You disabled common codecs with the echo test. Try enabling PCMU and
> PCMA and it should work.
> Ekiga accepts the connection because you have at least one codec : H.261
> for video.

Thank you, that was it! I must have disabled these codecs for some
reason that I now can't remember :-).
I'm a bit embarrassed, because I now remember that this has come up
before on this list. So maybe a note in the preferences window right
next to the codec selection would help dummies like the rest of us to
not do such a simple configuration mistake? I imagine something like
"Note: PCMU and PCMA are recommended for usage with the echo test".

The .asoundrc has fortunately not been an issue. I used the code which
selects the default device by an environment variable, which gives me
all the flexibility I need without having to bother the pwlib people
about writing better alsa code ;-).

Thanks again,

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