Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga 2.0.11 finally released

'sid' is debian unstable.

debian is three distributions in one:

stable, testing and unstable.

packages are first introduced into unstable and if they survive a
certain amount of time in 'unstable' without any serious bugs against
them, they become eligible to enter the 'testing' repository.

'sid' is the nickname given to the (permanently) unstable repository.

every once in a while 'testing' is frozen and much work devoted to
stabilising and bugfixing it until it is considered rock-solid, at
which point it becomes a 'stable' release.   'stable' is a more
thoroughly tested and stabilised static set of packages released
periodically from the primordial soup described earlier.   as soon as
a new stable is released, software bubbles up from unstable into
testing again, and the cycle continues.


On 01/10/2007, Zachary Zelinski <zach zzelinski com> wrote:
> What is sid? People keep referencing it, but I have no idea where this is.
> Is this where i might find debian packages for ekiga?

Ambrose Andrews
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