Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga "configuration" error

On 5/23/07, Julien Puydt <jpuydt free fr> wrote:

> what is the meaning of "-1.4" ?

It means that if ekiga doesn't precise the required automake version,
then it will require 1.4.

ok, thanks. i will call it the "default fallback" ;-)

Search for the following piece of code :

     1.4*) automake_progs="automake-1.4" ;;
     1.5*) automake_progs="automake-1.10 automake-1.9 automake-1.8
automake-1.7 a
utomake-1.6 automake-1.5" ;;
it gives the names and priority under which the automake executables are
searched. Do you have "automake-1.10" in your path ?

NO i dont have it. see:

   1.4*) automake_progs="automake-1.4" ;;
   1.5*) automake_progs="automake-1.5 automake-1.6 automake-1.7
automake-1.8 automake-1.9" ;;
   1.6*) automake_progs="automake-1.6 automake-1.7 automake-1.8
automake-1.9" ;;
   1.7*) automake_progs="automake-1.7 automake-1.8 automake-1.9" ;;
   1.8*) automake_progs="automake-1.8 automake-1.9" ;;
   1.9*) automake_progs="automake-1.9" ;;
version_check automake AUTOMAKE "$automake_progs" $REQUIRED_AUTOMAKE_VERSION \
|| DIE=1
ACLOCAL=`echo $AUTOMAKE | sed s/automake/aclocal/

i should add "1.10" there like you wrote ?

so this a BUG of my distro ?


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