Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga "configuration" error

arnuld a écrit :
On 5/23/07, Julien Puydt <jpuydt free fr> wrote:

You know, I really don't think you should care that much about this
error at this very moment :

because of that error, Makefile is not created, so i cannot run make
to compile.

Yes, I know : my point was that there's no need to try to compile ekiga if you don't have the basic dependencies (you only mention you did them in this very mail!).

did you compile pwlib & opal correctly
before anyway ? I highly doubt so.

i compiled their CVS snapshots and did not have any problem. they are
AC_PACKAGE_VERSION)" i think  this is the line responsible for error.

i have also found "REQUIRED_AUTOMAKE_VERSION" in "" but
changing it doe snot make any difference, except that it echoes the
changed version

Ok, let's fix this automake issue : ekiga's calls : this is where the REQUIRED_AUTOMAKE_VERSION is used, and where the automake check is done. The one I have here does know about automake 1.10 -- but notice it seems to look after it under the name automake-1.10.

Check your own to see exactly what it is looking for. There's probably a bug to report in your distribution there.


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