Re: [Ekiga-list] noise only


Le samedi 12 mai 2007 �0:06 +0200, Jiri Barton a �it :
> Hi,
> it is the sound settings problem indeed. I have discovered the following:
> There is this "Multi Track Internal Clock" item in alsamixer. It is 8000 by 
> default, but
> (1) I have to set it to 48000 in order for most applications to work. 
> Otherwise, I'm getting badly sampled sound in them.
> (2) I have to set it to 8000 for ekiga to work correctly.
> I don't have a slightest idea what that settings means. I used to set it to 
> 48000 after the installation or the sound card reset and it was fine. My 
> sound card is M-Audio 5.1 Revolution, and I'm using Ubuntu 7.04 with the 
> development version of alsa 1.0.14rc4. Here is my .asoundrc: 
> Could you explain what "Multi Track Internal Clock" means and how I am 
> supposed to set it so it works in ekiga and most other applications at the 
> same time?

I do not know what it is. I have never seen that setting anywhere, it
must be specific to your soundcard.

I think you should probably ask on some ALSA mailing list, and report
back here what they say.

Thank you,
 _     Damien Sandras
//\    Ekiga Softphone :
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