[Ekiga-list] RTP payload and G729 codec

Sorry for my previous post. Made a mistake.
THIS is encoding part:

static int codec_encoder(const struct PluginCodec_Definition * codec, 
                                           void * context,
                                     const void * from, 
                                       unsigned * fromLen,
                                           void * to,         
                                       unsigned * toLen,
                                   unsigned int * flag)
	//if (!encoderInUse)
	//  return 0;

	// If there is no complete frame, return at once
	if (*fromLen < SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2 || *toLen < L_FRAME_COMPRESSED) {
		printf("DEBUG::codec_encoder()::frame incomplete, cannot decode!\n");
		return 0;
	// Let us see, how many frames we have
	int frames;
	frames = MIN(*fromLen/(SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2), (*toLen/BYTES_PER_FRAME));
	printf("DEBUG::codec_encoder()::frames: %d\n", frames);

	// Set frame information accordingly
	*fromLen = frames * SAMPLES_PER_FRAME * 2;
	*toLen   = frames * BYTES_PER_FRAME;

	// While there are any frames left, encode audio
	while (frames-- > 0) {
		g729_encode((struct G729STRUCT_ENCODE*)context, (char*)from, to);
		to = to + BYTES_PER_FRAME;
    		from = from + (SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2);

	return 1; 

Everything else should be ok...:-)


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