Re: [Ekiga-list] Fwd: How do I video chat with Windows users?

I'm still trying to figure this out. Based on my experience I would say no.

Is there anyone on the list that has actually connected Ekiga on Linux with a Windows client?

wo laoye wrote:
Sorry, accidentally hit the 'Send' button before I complete my msg.

I am also interested in chatting with Windows users via ekiga. Say, the other end is a client with a ADSL link, running WinXP.

Does it has to run ekiga too? Or will Win Messenger suffice?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *wo laoye* < wolaoye gmail com <mailto:wolaoye gmail com>>
Date: Jul 23, 2007 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Ekiga-list] How do I video chat with Windows users?
To: Ekiga mailing list <ekiga-list gnome org <mailto:ekiga-list gnome org>>

I am also interested in chatting with Windows users via ekiga. Say, the other end is a client with a ADSL

On 7/23/07, *Julien Puydt* < jpuydt free fr <mailto:jpuydt free fr>> wrote:

    Damien Hull a écrit :
    >           o Comes with Ekiga 2.0.3

    No, no, no. This version is awfully old -- there have been *six*
    bugfix releases since then.

    Upgrade and complain to your distribution maintainers for not
    shipping a
    more recent version.

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    ekiga-list gnome org <mailto:ekiga-list gnome org>



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