Re: [Ekiga-list] Croped image using the gspca driver? Try this patch!

Le vendredi 10 ao�07 �9:36 +0100, Michael Stockenhuber a �it :
> Luc,
> Thank you very much for the patch. I knew one can be sure the open
> community will help.....
> The picture (I believe) scales ok now with the quickcam messenger. I got
> a rather nasty problem under kde when I switch off ekiga. The machine
> freezes and there is frantic hard disk activity. I need to invetsigate
> what is causing this, I am using a snapshot so it could come from the
> CVS ekiga.

If the machine freezes, it can not be caused by a user program.
 _     Damien Sandras
//\    Ekiga Softphone :
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