Re: [Ekiga-list] how to run eki?

On Thu, 21 Sep 2006 13:52:48 +0200
Julien Puydt <jpuydt free fr> wrote:

> > "ekiga"?
> >
> > If the install prefix bin directory is not in $PATH,
> > "/usr/bin/ekiga"
> > "/usr/local/bin/ekiga"

> The correct question is : "what did you do before the 'make
> install' ?". I have a hard time grasping how someone could manage to
> compile ekiga but not know how to run it...

When one compiles directly from a source distribution, I always assume
he knows a bit what he does. If the source comes from CVS tree I assume
very strong he knows what he does.

> > If every guessing fails, something like
> > 
> > find / -name "*ekiga*" -perm -400
> > 
> > Which will search every "*ekiga*" file with minimum mode
> > "owner-executable".
> Ouch! Hope you don't have a huge disk around, or this will take ages.

See above. It was meant as hint in the automatic direction ("something
like"). For everyone that builds from scratch it should be clear for
what configure parameters are.

Anyways, that reminds me of... How about generic compiling instructions


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