Re: [Ekiga-list] how to run eki?

Jan Schampera a écrit :
On Thu, 21 Sep 2006 16:57:43 +0530 (IST)
Prakash B <prakashb tataelxsi co in> wrote:

i installed the ekiga software successfully , by giving the command
"make install" what to do after that?
how to run ekiga?

If the install prefix bin directory is not in $PATH,
The correct question is : "what did you do before the 'make install' ?". 
I have a hard time grasping how someone could manage to compile ekiga 
but not know how to run it...
If every guessing fails, something like

find / -name "*ekiga*" -perm -400

Which will search every "*ekiga*" file with minimum mode
Ouch! Hope you don't have a huge disk around, or this will take ages.


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