Re: [Ekiga-list] Does Ekiga/linux work with Wengophone/WinXP, both audio and video?


On Sep/07/2006, vatbier wrote:
> My sister runs WinXP, I'll tell her to install Wengophone (X-lite could
> also work, but it has some bugs).
> I run linux and Ekiga 2.0.3. 
> I hope connection between Ekiga and Wengophone will work

I had some problems connecting Wengophone to other softphones (last
february). Wengophone was working fine calling to landlines or calling
to other wengophone, but not to linphone, etc.

Last weekend I tried videoconference with wengophone. Wengophone for
Linux is not working with my camera, i guess that because video for
linux 4. My problems here:
Nobody answered. 
(wengophone 1 and 2)

> (Wengophone only works with their sip account, so in Ekiga I'll have to
> setup an Wengo account).
> And I hope audio and video will be decent.
> Does anybody else has experience with video-conferencing between linux
> and WinXP?

Finally I used Ekiga for Linux and Ekiga for Windows, and worked fine
:-) Try it :-) (and write experiences here)

Next weekend I will try again to do the definitive tests, but was
working fine!

It seemed that bol2000 was going to work, but i had some problems.
And x-lite for windows has not worked (video part, maybe I had to pay?).
I prefer Ekiga, worked better and it is free (as freedom)

I am interested in new experience about this topic. So tell me if you
know something more or you test something.

Carles Pina i Estany		GPG id: 0x8CBDAE64	Manresa - Barcelona

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