Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-bugfix pwc

ekiga-list mailing list1) download the file
     (or the last available file on the site)
  2) unpack the file using the command command:
       # tar xjf pwc-10.0.12-rc1.tar.bz2
  3) compile the module (this needs the source of your actual kernel to
     be installed)
       # cd pwc-10.0.12rc1
	# make
[23:13:48] Börje Jr. says:
4) login as root
       # su
  5) In case an older version of the module was already installed, use
     the following commands to delete that module, if not go to 6)
       # find /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ -name "pwc*.ko*"
       # rm <name of the file.ko>
  6) Copy the new modules to the old ones
       # make install
       # cp pwc.ko <path to the folder of original pwc.ko mo
7) Unload the old module or reboot the machine
       # rmmod pwc
	# rmmod pwcx
       # modprobe pwc have fun
ekiga-list gnome org

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