On 12/05/2013 09:14 AM, Eugen Dedu
On 05/12/13 08:51, Thierry Simonnet wrote:
I made some tests.
For installation files, it seems to me that
* libfontconfig-1.dll
* libpangoft2-1.0-0.dll
* libexpat-1.dll
* libclet0-2.dll
are missing .
What does "it seems to me" mean? Do you have errors or not? When
do you have the error? What error?
Note that I have not yet tested calls, just that it starts.
After the installation, I had the
following message : GLib-GIO-ERROR **: /No
GSettings schemas are installed on the system
/I copied ..../dist/Ekiga/share/glib-2.0 directory to my win7 PC
Strange, it should work... What is the name of the .exe
I add this line
SetOverwrite on
File "${TARGET_DIR}\Ekiga\*.exe"
File "${TARGET_DIR}\Ekiga\*.dll"
File /r "${TARGET_DIR}\Ekiga\icons"
File /r "${TARGET_DIR}\Ekiga\ekiga"
File /r "${TARGET_DIR}\Ekiga\sounds"
File /r "${TARGET_DIR}\Ekiga\help"
File /r "${TARGET_DIR}\Ekiga\share\locale"
File /r "${TARGET_DIR}\Ekiga\share\glib-2.0"
File /r /x man "${TARGET_DIR}\Ekiga\share"
File /r "${TARGET_DIR}\Ekiga\plugins"
File "${EKIGA_DIR}/win32/ico/ekiga.ico"
inside ekiga/win32/nsisinstaller/ekiga.nsi
I tested echo, call back...
When leaving I had a Pb about a missing Runtime.
Which one?
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