Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] [Win32] Unable to compile ekiga for windows

Le 26/02/2010 13:21, Eugen Dedu a écrit :
Thierry Simonnet wrote:

I made 2 mods :

src/ptlib/include/ptlib/socket.h (line 495):
/*  private: */
     P_fd_set(const P_fd_set&) {}
     void operator=(const P_fd_set&) {}
Does it still apply?
Unfortunately, socket.h needs to be patched.
src/ptlib/plugins/ :
#HAS_AUDIOSHM        = 1
HAS_AUDIOSHM        = 0

ifeq (1,$(HAS_AUDIOSHM))
SUBDIRS         += sound_shm
The audioshm part is fixed now, is that right?
Yes it works as it does.

For x264 (HEAD), it is necessary to remove IFF codecs... in ffmpeg. First tests sdoesn't show bvetter performances. Seems less stable.

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