Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] alien registrar problem

Christian Schäfer schrieb:
Damien Sandras wrote:
OK, first a few remarks :
- having private IP addresses in SIP PDUs in perfectly legal and
conform ;
- in your logs, I see Ekiga puts both IP : private and public in the
contact field, this is also legal and the sip registrar at
should not complain about it as there is also the public IP (with high
priority as q=1)

By the way, today I stumbled over an article in the current German's Linux Magazine issue, where a bunch of voip clients gets tested. They also observe this issue concerning the private IP address which makes it impossible to connect to some (german) providers like 1&1 and GMX with ekiga.

Well, in a way these providers sell their phone numbers and they save money when they can not be used. But otherwise I cannot see any reason but achieving acceptance of standards why Ekiga - actually it seems Opal - behaves this way. I think trying with public and private IP first, if failure trying again with public only, if failure give in could be implemented.

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