Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] Reorganizing things

Hi Damien,

> It appears clearly that since a few months I can dedicate less time than
> before to Ekiga. During the first 5 to 6 years of the project, I was
> dedicating all evenings to the project and nearly all week-ends, fully.

Thanks for all your dedication over the years. I've been using ekiga
for years and absolutely love it!

> It is now impossible for me to continue developing at that pace. If we
> organize things in a clever way, I think it will not be a problem. My
> intensive work probably hide a few organization problems.
> We now have a few very high quality contributors: they help the project
> move forward will less "devotion" from myself.
> The purpose of this e-mail is to identify the areas where people can
> help and how we should work. But before identifying those areas, I would
> stress on the fact that my wish is to release often, but with only a
> limited set of new features, that are well-tested. We have seen in the
> past that we had worked on many new features, half-finished, and that it
> was hard to stabilize them before doing a release. I don't want this to
> happen.
> Here is the list of tasks I have identified.
> a) Reorganization of the WEB service ( + : it is a
> much required work to give the feeling of a united and well thought
> service. We need designers for that task.
> b) Reorganization of services : more stability, more features.
> I can take care of that myself, but external help would be great.

I can assist from this side of things. I'm a Systems Engineer /
Technical Architect by trade and this is what i do for a living.

> c) Accounts support : we receive many e-mails of people wanting to
> remove their account or wondering why it does not work. They are not
> answered anymore. We need somebody to help with that.
> d) Development : we need more developers. Eugen is handling bugzilla and
> patches. Julien is coding a lot. Michael is working on the WIN32 version
> which is nearly as good as the Linux version. More people like all of
> them should join the Ekiga project and help improving it.
> e) Documentation : Yannick has been managing this since a few years
> nearly alone. Help is welcome.
> f) User Support : We all do user support at some level. When we do user
> support, it means we can not dedicate time to our other tasks to make
> the software progress. More people working on user support should join.
> Perhaps a forum instead of a mailing list would be more modern and ease
> the task.
> Did I forget something?

Not that I'm aware of.


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