Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] win32 build

Le mercredi 12 novembre 2008 à 14:07 +0000, Matthias Schneider a écrit :
> Hi all,
> is there some more feedback on the latest win32 build available? The only thing that was brought to my attention was that there is a console being opened with some debug information spit out. If thats all trouble that ekiga for windows is having I thing we are doing quite alright...

Hi Matthias,

I just had a long conversion with my friend using windows vista 64 bits
and it worked quite good.
We were using speex + theora.

We had some crashes (well 4 crashes in 2 hours of discussion, 2 on my
side and 2 on his side too, but unfortunately we do not have backtraces
for it). Is the instructions here still useful:
My friend is willing to help beta testing.

One major issue seems to be with the screen saver under windows. It
seems it made ekiga crash. There is also the gconf issue already
reported when installing.

Thank you for your work!

> Matthias
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